Adobe Lightroom and Bridge – What is the Difference?

At the point when I initially bought Adobe Creative Suite 4, Web Premium, included was Adobe Bridge CS4. As indicated by Adobe, the item Bridge is “amazing, simple to-utilize media supervisor for visual individuals, letting you effectively sort out, peruse, find and view innovative resources.” (source: Adobe site) So I began to utilize Bridge to arrange my (at that point) many photographs.

At that point I examined in a large number of photographs in my film library from a time of shooting moves of 35mm film. I began slowing down in Bridge, I was unable to monitor where everything was. I was losing the work process fight. At that point I caught wind of Photoshop Lightroom 2. By and by, as indicated by Adobe “…Lightroom 2 is basic for the advanced photography work process required at this point. Presently [a photographer] can rapidly import, process, oversee, and grandstand your pictures – from one shot to a whole shoot.” Lightroom nonetheless, was an additional cost independent program that cost around $250 list.

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Indeed, I read the advertisements and the surveys and immediately chose to get on board with the Lightroom temporary fad. The inquiry is, do you need Editing Lightroom? In my psyche Lightroom 2 is intended to be an incorporated, yet remain solitary application for the genuine picture taker. With Lightroom you can sort out your pictures with indexes and assortments in a considerably more productive way for huge volumes of pictures.

On the off chance that you are shooting in RAW configuration both Bridge and Lightroom have a similar RAW controls. A little realize truth is that the “Create” module in Lightroom is indistinguishable from the RAW designing controls in Bridge. Lightroom’s “Create” module takes other photograph control a lot farther than Bridge. While not as incredible as Photoshop, I locate that the greater part of my photograph altering is presently done in Lightroom and I use Photoshop just for the extremely truly difficult work. Now and again you could utilize Lightroom rather than Photoshop or you could even get by with Photoshop Elements or no other photograph altering programming.

With Adobe Bridge you can arrange your photographs, you can tag (keyword)the photographs and recordings. Furthermore, Bridge can peruse and compose RAW records. With Lightroom 2 you can compose your photographs, catchphrase them, and you can import from an assortment of arrangements and compose pull out in numerous configurations. Lightroom is frail in the territory of recordings. It is all the more impressive in its capacity to “create” or to adjust and alter a photo. It alters in a non-ruinous way that holds the first arrangement. Lightroom is intended to supplement the work-stream of a genuine picture taker that may have hundreds or thousands of pictures to process or alter, regardless of whether it is for a straightforward harvest and configuration to a print size.

In this way, most importantly I would suggest Bridge for an individual that has a portion of the Adobe suite of items and requirements a lower level of photograph association. I would suggest Lightroom 2 for the deliberate picture taker, those that shoot hundreds or even a huge number of shots and requirements to compose, alter, print and exhibit their items.

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