Profiting by Cloud Computing for Your Business

Have you heard about Cloud Computing?

It’s a term that’s starting to show up more and more in business and social products, but much like the word “cloud” it doesn’t immediately speak of how it can benefit your business. It would be prudent for you to read on and learn just how significant an impact it can make for you and your business.

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Cloud Computing? What does this mean.

Cloud Computing is a newer technology and application framework that is rapidly making changes on internet connected devices and services worldwide. Whereas the current model of business computing requires having a computer or work station that holds all your files, is updated to the latest software, contains the required hardware, this new concept moves all the files, advanced hardware onto servers that you connect to with your own computer via the network, and do all your computing “in the cloud”. The term “In the cloud” is used because the practical management of the hardware that contains the files is abstracted, and they are only ever present on your computer when specifically downloaded.

Why would I do my computing in the cloud?

Think of all the times you’ve been away from your computer and needed to review a file, or wished to resume work on a project, or build on prior work when inspiration strikes. Time is always an issue, and inspiration needs to be captured as soon as possible, and by having your work in the cloud, you start or resume work using any internet connected computer. Be it an internet cafe, a smart phone, an international computer lab, a potential new clients conference room or a simple notebook. Computing in the cloud severs the tether’s to the brick and mortar workstation and provides you with flexibility, fluidity and mobility.know more tag.

How does it work

Networks of servers host the files, and in turn, technicians manage these servers, and you login to your account and access the resources and files, working on them and running software also hosted on those serves. The power of the computer or device being used to access and works on these files becomes redundant as long as it can successfully provide an interface for you to access your files from anywhere. Imagine you’re traveling and simply by using your everyday smart phone to access massive amounts of data beyond thousands of gigabytes, and run advanced software on this data, connecting to to an international team also working on the data.

What other benefits are there?

Increasing the amount of work that can be done while mobile relieves tension and stress when dealing with deadlines. Work can be completed with more smaller segments which are easier to manage as opposed to a few large development pushes. Shorter arcs of work reduce fatigue and increase the quality and care put into the work.

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