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In this article I will present spread some fundamental articulations in Portuguese with interpretation into English. I trust this article will assist those difficult with learning the Portuguese language just as those arranging an excursion to Portugal.

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The Portuguese Alphabet

So as to be comprehended when you communicate in Portuguese you should get the articulation right. It would be ideal if you allude to this Portuguese letters in order for the way to express the words

TTranslate English to Hindi

A – ah

B – sound

C – state

D – day

E – eh

F – eff

G – zhay*

H – ‘Er-gah

I – ee

J – zhoh-ter*

L – ell

M – emm

N – enn

O – gracious

P – pay

Q – kay

R – blunder

S – ess

T – tay

U – oo

V – vay

X – sheesh

Z – zay

The letter K, W and Y are not in current use except if they allude to remote names.

*zh is articulated like the s in the English work delight.

Portuguese Translation of Basic Greetings:

Hi – Ola

Farewell – Adeus

Hello – Bom dia

Good evening – Boa tarde

Great night/night – Boa noite

So gives start with a couple of interpretations of English access to Portuguese:

Fundamental English Portuguese Translations:

Indeed – Sim

No – Nao

It would be ideal if you – Por favor

Much obliged to you – Obrigado/a

Portuguese Translation of Polite Phrases:

How right? – Como esta?

I am well, thank you – Estou bem, obrigada/o (obrigada for a womens answer, obrigado for a keeps an eye on)

Not in any way; its alright – de nothing

See you later – Ate logo

See you tomorrow – Ate amanha

Sorry – Desculpe

Reason me (attempting to move beyond somebody) – Com permit

Portuguese Translation of Introductions:

I acquaint with you……………. – apresento-Ihe……..

It’s an extraordinary joy – muito prazer

Likewize – igualmente

Portuguese Translation of Name Question:

My name is ……. – Camo-me ………..

What is your name? (question to a man) – Como se chama o senhor?

What is your name? (question to a lady) – Como se chama a senhora?

What is your name? (easygoing ‘you’ for either sex) – Como se chama voce?

Portuguese Translation of where your are from or live

I am Portuguese – Sou portuguesa

Is it accurate to say that you are English? (question to a man) – O senhor e ingles?

Is it accurate to say that you are English? (question to a lady) – A senhora e inglesa?

Where do you live? – Onde mora?

I live in Surrey – Eu moro em Surrey

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